~you are my bestest buddies~



harlow.. huhu.. :) arini aku nk join contest lagi.. korg senyap n bace jer k.. don't say anything.. :D contest ni anjuran NYL COLLECTION.. this is her new blogshop.. let's help to support her new blogshop.. :)

there's are some rules that u need to follow.. so, why don't u just click the blogshop's banner above. hehe.. :) giveaway ni xsusa pon.. senang jer..

dedicate for NYL COLLECTION :

actually aku dah lame jadi kawan dgn owner blog nih.. salu jugak la menjengah ke blog tuan rumah iaitu BUNGA-BUNGA KEHIDUPAN.. ade one tyme tu aku bkk tbe2 blog dye dah berubah jadi blogshop. aku mule la kompius. sebab kt bloglist aku letak bukan sbg blogshop.. huhu.. aku wat silap ker?? wakaka.. :D dah tnye baru tawu yg NIL baru berjinak2 dgn bisness baru dye.. hehe.. :)

okeh2.. aku xnk komen lebey2.. cume utk NIL, ezma nk suggest supaye NIL rajin2 update stock baru.. sbb mostly ezma perasan blogshop yg laris sumenyer rajin update stock baru.. satu lagi, ezma nk bg idea, harga shawls biarlah berpatutan n murah. pade certain org, dye akan ckp, alaaa... xblk modal la cmtuh..! tp NIL jgn pk cmtu taw.. sebab bile MURAH, org akan beli dgn kuantiti yg byk. bile byk, baru la modal dapat dibayar blk. seriously, ni sume adelah hasil pandangan ezma sepanjang ezma suke on9 shopping nih.. hehe.. :)

haa.. NIL, kalo NIL updates product2 NIL, ezma cadangkan NIL letakkan sekali measurement utk ur product. for example, NIL jual shawls kan.. ezma suggest NIL letak la all the details of the shawls such as type of material, length, width n etc. it is make more easier for customer to choose their fevret shawls.. ye x?? hehe.. :P

satu lagi NIL, ermm.. pade pendapat ezma lagi, ezma lebih suke tgk blogshop org yg resize pics product dye.. mostly blog ley jadi berat.. so, bile da berat, tenet lak slow, kdg2 ezma jadi mls nk truskan cuci mate kt blogshop tuh.. so far, NIL punyer lum lagi jadi ceni.. huhu.. :) tp nt, bile da byk updated, no wonder kan?? :) hee.. so far.. tu aje kot..


semoge blogshop baru NIL akan mendapat sambutan di kalangan bloggers kt luar sane... :) and for NIL, hope u success with ur new bussiness oke dear? hehe.. goodluck!


Berbudi bahasalah dalam berbicara. Budi bahasa bukankah budaya kita?