~you are my bestest buddies~

~histeria & prom night~

today is saturday..the 8th day in Ramadan month..i feel thankful again and again..hmm..what can i write down here..thinking..thinking..and thinking more..how bored is today..i want to study for my own sake as a student..but..it juz a dreaming on the day..haha.. :D so,i could'nt afford myself to sit on my table to study..huhu.. :P btw..i din't waste my precious tyme going on like that..i din't sleep for along tyme okeh..hish..(bulan pose xbek tdo je kje..) but,im going to online and watching the movie from my laptop..i open up my facebook..and reply all my frens comment there..whom is here have the facebook account?? why don't u add me up in ur list frenz too.. ezma89@yahoo.com
btw,i would to comment a lil bit bout this social web like a friensdster, myspace, tagged, and many more..many questions plays around in my head bout facebook,friendster etc..but i can't tells the silly question..bcoz i know people who is very good in tecnology will laugh out at me..i know that Malay proverbs "malu bertanye,sesat jalan" but, should i tell u everything??huhu..later2 la ek..huhu..

for today, i also watched a really scary movie.."Histeria"..it was play by a lil cute gurl Liyana Jasmay and Scha Al-Yahya..how pretty this two gurl..i know that this film was already plays in cinema last year..but i still don't have chances to watch it bcoz of i was in Perlis.. (manede cinema kt Perlis neh) but it is okeh..kalau x..abesla duit aku ari2 tgk wyg je kje..haha.. :D so, i watched it lonely through my laptop..how scared me watching it lonely..where is ILI?? she went home la..she is going to celebrate Eid's Mubarak earlier than us..hahaha :P hmm,so,i watched it lonely..quite scared and i feel proud to all producer in Malaysia bcoz they still have a very good ideas to make a very good film as tough as other country.. :) well done..!!

scha is capten of the SISTERS

liyana jasmay was lying on the bed bcoz she is hospitalized
one more thing i want to write on here..i am very upset for my next movie which is "Prom Night"..the story is stuck suddenly..i've checked already what's going on with my movie player..but the same thing was happen to my frens, SYAFA..aduyai..cmne neh??cite tgh syok..tbe2 stuck..haha..

xpela..I went to cafe to buying some food for my meal..nyam3..i bought sotong masak kicap ngan fried vege..i just ate to broke my fasting with KAK SHIMA my housemate..i dunno where is the others..huhu..so,that's all for today..esok2 la plak yer..


~purple day~


utk hari ke-6 kite berpuasa arini aku rse happy n bsyukur..sahur td encik faiz yg tsyg kjut aku bgn sahur..bgosnye dear neh..sebbek dye kjotkan..klo x..xsmpt la aku sahur..da la ptg td ade bengkel ECT200..kne ade byk tenage utk wt wiring for besi bergalvani..pas sahur aku ttdo jap..encik faiz kjotkn aku lg..tp agknye dye da pnt da kjot aku, dye mngaji al-Quran smbil calling.means dye hold phone la..aku yg ngantok jd segar gle mate tdgr dari dlm phone dye ngaji al-Quran..for the 1st tyme aku dgr my syg mengaji..MasyaAllah..sedap gle suare dye..bkn sengaje nak puji bf sndri..tp aku sndri pon xdela ngaji sesedap itu..pnoh dgn tajwid dan hukum makhrajnya..syg, nt ajar taw..hehe..

pagi ni xsgke lak ramai yg pkai baju kaler purple..pas abes lab test digit td, aku baru pasan ramai juge yg berkaler purple..haha..ape lg..si PIQAH, the jelite gurl in my class cbuk2 nk amk pic..haha..diz is our pic 4u2c..

btw..kitorg ni wpon lab test ley buat atau x..muke tetap hepi cm org dpt buat dgn jayenye..hak3.. :D btw..selamat berpuasa utk hari ke-7 esok yer kwn2.. bubye..salam.. :)

~pejam celik pejam celik~


hmm..syukur skli lg aku padeNya coz i still have chance to fasting on diz day..alhamdulillah..xsgke jugak la pejam celik pejam dan celik lg arini da msuk ari ke-5 umat Islam berpuasa..skjp je dah 5 ari..nt pejam celik lg da smggu..pejam celik lg da raye..haha..cm sonok je kn..aku terigt kata2 clasmate aku yg chinese, LEE YENG SENG name dye..i like to make a fren with him bcoz he know much more bout Islam..yg plg klakanye tu aku igt lg dye kata Tuhan Islam bg "magic power" to all Muslim yg berpuasa..btol x ezma??aku mmpu gelak je la..aku perbetulkan fahaman dye..actly kalau kite niat berpuasa, hopefully kite akan bertenage utk berpuasa pade esok harinye..hak3..klaka gle LYS neh..

btw..arini aku agak penat..tp xde la penat sgt..arini pon ade satu kls je..ECT200 utk wiring..adui..dsbbkan mggu lps aku xdtg sbb attend as sekreteriat for photograghy, aku kne cari group sndri utk ckopkn korum neh..adeyh..sebbek ade grup yg kosong utk aku dgn ILI. aku join dgn pnoh blurr sbb mggu lps xdtg..haha..grup mmber aku cume suh tgk2 je then wt kje yg sng2 cm psg skru ngan cabut blk la..haha..xpe2..wpon lmbt sket aku abeskan task ni..aku hepi sbb dpt blaja mnde baru dlm idop..upe2nye wayar2 yg berselirat kt uma kite ni sng je nk handle..baru ku tahu..haha..

okelah..spnjg 5 ari puasa ni aku lom pnh lg gi bazar ramadan..teringin sgt nk gi..kot2 la kt kole perlis ni ade jual spagheti..hak3.. :D

last word i wud like to ask everyone here..spe da bli tket blk kg??erm..diingtkan ye bahawa tket ke KL da abes..mybe ade bas tambahan..tp xsure lg..skli lg maw bsyukur sbb da bli tket blk KL..yeay2..!!hihihi.. :P okeyla..nk smyg terawih da..babai..salam..

~ramadan al-mubarak~

syukur alhamdulillah..aku masih berkesempatan utk berpuasa lagi pade tahun ni..syukur sgt2..
ramadan tahun ni disambut meriah juge wpon negara kite dilanda darurat kesihatan H1N1..
hmmm...teringat aku mase kecik2 dlu..aku stat blaja puase mase umo 6 tahun..
lmbt je kn..org len 4 thn da stat puase..haha..tp aku mmg liat sket la tyme tu..
hmmm..igt lg mse tu da kul 8 pg utk puase yg ke berape tah..
sblom ni mak aku kjut je aku bgn sahur..tp aritu mak aku xkjut plak..
ape lg..aku geram la..(kecik2 lg pndai nk geram2)
kul 8 pg aku bkk periuk..konon2 mkn sahur la..aku ckp kt mak aku yg aku nk puase..
aku mkn cpt2 mcm waktu sahur b4 ni..mkn cpt2 gak..tkot waktu imsak msuk..
aduyai..da ciap basuh pggn sume baru mak aku kta "waktu sahur abes kul 5.40 pg td kakak..bkn kul 8.30 pg.." alahai..mase tu aku rase penat je mkn..yela..sbb xtau kn sal pose2 nih..last2 mak aku masakkan lauk tghari utk aku dgn adik..malu juge la..tp sebbek mak tlg backup..
"alaa..xpela..kakak kn kecik lg..esok kakak ley puase lg"
igt lg ayat mak tu..ayah aku siap gelak2..tp mase dorg nak berbuke..ayah ajak gi bli ayam golek kt sg besi..apesal tah jaoh2..sedap kot..??
wahahaha...sume tu kenangan aku mse kecik2 lg..tp skrg da besa..
bile msuk ramadan je..waktu maghrib la waktu yg plg aku igt waktu dye..
hak3.. :D


~happy birthday faiz~

hari nih 14 ogos 2009..
genap umur si dia 20 tahun..
i just want to wish u happy birthday..

on what happened to us..
i does'nt mean dat i will forget bout ur important day..
i wud like to wish u in front of da world...
happy birthday AHMAD FAIZ MUSTAQIM..
may ALLAH bless u in everything that u do..

~my two beshfwen forever~

i really mish this two gurlz..
..syarifah nurhanis & hani fadzuin..
two of u make me think of da past la...

post ni utk hanis:
sygku cik pah..
aku rindu sgt nk jmpe ko..
ko tahu ape yg aku rase b4 aku bgtau ko terlebey dahulu..
u are dokter love la..
stiap kali aku ade prob then aku cari ko..
msti ko akn cari mase utk ko luangkn dgn aku kn??
aku terharu sgt pah..
ko ni mcm ade instinct yg kuat terhadap aku..
klo aku sdey cene pon msti ko cube bg aku gelak dgn lawak sengal ko tuh..
aku teringat sgt2 kenangan kt semashur dlu..
yg plg aku igt adelah ko ngan awin tgglkn aku seko2 g sahur..
aku terkesima ko tau..
aku duk je kt tgga nk kasi emo lbey..
aku rindu sume kngn yg kite wt sndri tu..
hmmm...byk lg...
tp nt awin mara lak tertggu2 post sal dye lak..

post yg ni lak utk awin..
wahai dak kecik yg xpernah matang??
ko ni kdg2 aku ase cm org tade perasaan la..
wakakaka...:D (adeke ptot ckp cmtu?)
ko mmg dak kecik la awin..
aku ske perangai ko yg ala2 kiut tu..
(kiut ke??hahaha..)
ko jenis yg ikot je ape org kta..
tp aku salu protect ko syg..
kt skola dlu aku ckop mara klo ade yg nk kutuk ko ke..
hmm..sbb ko xlayak utk dikutuk..
sbb ko dak kecik..haha.. :D
btw..ko mmg xpenah kedekut dgn aku kn??
klo utk aku ko sentese on je..
besh sgt..
klo sal ko..mnde yg aku xley lupe..
adelah "BURP" ko..
xabes2 dgn "burrrrpppp"ing je ko..
smpi aku tergelak2 dgr..
satu lg..kite kn ske WBS same2..
(hnye semashurian je tau WBS tu ape)
kt unimap ni ade je WBS..tp len sket lor..
salu aku gne manual je..
(sje maw bg sume org tertanye2 ape mnde tuh!!)

i really mish u two..
aku nk sgt hangout dgn korg bdua..
tdo uma aku lame2..
ley borak2..
ley gosip2..
ley ape lg ek???


~LanGkAw! to cAmErOn~

last two week i went to langkawi for da second tyme n cameron for da first tyme..
agk memalukan je..
xdirancang pon nk g cni..
faiz tbe2 je kta maw dtg perlis sbb uitm dye dpt cti sbb H1N1..
so dye maw ber"kuarantin" dgn aku la kot..
haha... :D

dye dtg dgn mmber dye, eja..
cm name pompuan lak..
tp dye laki..
ni dye kwn bek faiz..

yang eja lak bwk gf dye,dayah..
yg bwh ni dorg la... :)
suweet je dorg ni..

lame jgk la kitorg gi..
3 ari 3 mlm..

mule2 g langkawi..
actly aku tkot sket nk nek feri..
sbb mse g dgn famly aku muntah2 sbb mabuk laut..
tp kali ni tade plak..
besh gle g lgkawi dgn dorg ni..
kitorg gi island hopping..mndi laut..boating..
underwaterworld..nek cable car..
mkn ikan bakar smbil dgr org nyanyi2 tah pape..
sume bajet cm kaye je..
shopping sana..shopping sini..
aku lak mmg kering..
bgantung pade cik faiz je la..
besh gle.. :)

..kami di underwaterworld..
boating at tasik dayang bunting

syg nk nek banana boat??

blk smule kt perlis..
smpi2 kt kolej je rommate aku ili dalila ckp org lua xley msuk..
ahh..sudah..cene faiz nk anta aku blk??
tyme tu aku wt kje jahat..
aku ckp aku tamaw blk..
so tros ade kua kotak pikiran maw gi cameron highland..
faiz la punye idea ni..
xpenat agknye dye maw drive lame2..

smpi kt cameron kul 12 tgh mlm..
eja book hotel..
rse cm org kaye baru..
sekejap dgn itu aje ley dpt hotel..

esok pagi tu kitorg jln2 kt cameron..
byk tol eja n dayah shopping..
mcm2 dorg bli..
yg beshnyer aku pon dpt satu bantal strawberry dari dayah..
hehee...tengkiu dayah.. :)
aku xbg ape2 pon kt dorg..
nt aku bg la sumting kt dorg..

afta shopping2,ktorg gi taman rama2..
bkn stakat rame2 je ade kt c2..
mcm2 haiwan yg aku xpnh nmpk sume ade..
kagum gle dgn kejadian ALLAH swt..
ade bunge yg besa sgt..
tp tadela besa cm bunge reflesia tu..

itu rama2 dye..

ini lak rama2 saye..

ini lak bunge kite same2..hehe..
hmmm...i like rose.. :)ehem2..

then, kitorg jln2 gi ladang teh..
besh gle dpt ase teh yg fresh..
ape lg..
kitorg wt hightea lak tghari tu..
sejuk jgk kt sana..
nk mandi pon sejuk..

aku ade beli byk sgt keychain utk kwn2 sekelas..
tp pompuan je la yg dpt..
hehe..sorry guys!!haha..

di ladang teh BOH...ade ummmph..!!

tgk pemandangan dari ladang teh
the best moment
da..jom balik..xpenat ker??adui..

petang tu kitorg gerak blk ke perlis..
faiz kusyg..
awk xpenat ke drive lame2??
cian awk..hmmmm....

kul 12 tepat smpi kuala perlis iaitu kolej kdiaman aku..
sebbek pakcik guard kasi msuk..
tengkiu pakcik guard..
nt sy bg apam blk eh..

~aku homesick~

i mish my home really much..
rindu gle kt mak ngan ayah..
rindu dgn tomyam yg mak buat..
mak sorg je tau cene citerase aku..
rindu sgt2 suasana kt uma..
wpon kdg2 salu je kua..
xlekat kt uma..
tp rindu juge..
here i come..
mggu depan blk uma..
suke sgt...

ley kua jln2..
mak..nt kakak nk tomyam taw...

kt cni ade pix tyme kitorg g langkawi bulan lepas..
ade aku..mak..angah..ezam ngan kawan angah,kak zura..
besh gle g sna..
byk tol mak shopping pinggan mgkuk..
sebbek dtg ramai2..
klo aku sorg je yg ikot..
msti sewa helikopter anta brg blk uma..
tp moment itu mmg besh gle..
i mish it..
i like it..
n i love it..

p/s: ayah tade sbb dye g s'pore..
tape2.. :(

~introduce sumone in my life~

i love him very2 much..
name dye ahmad faiz mustaqim bin mohd noor..
dye berasal dari machang,kelantan..
waaaa...ore klate lor..
tp saye tidak tahu speaking klate..
hik3..jgn mara ye syg..
di lahirkn pade 14 ogos 1989...
da nk dekat daa...
now,he is studying at UiTM shah alam..
dlm course mechanical engineering..
(susa tak syg??)

we declare as a couple on 1st of april 2008..
waaa...april fool..
dat tyme aku igt dye nk knekn aku..
yela..april fool..
upe2nye dye serious..
dye la org ptame yg berani ckp depan2 dgn aku..
bgos2..!!syabas syg...
smpi ke arini kitorg masih bersame n hepi2 salu..
wpon kite suke gado..
tp dlm hati amat chenta same dye..

faiz n ezma akan tros bsame smpi bile2..
i love u so much honey...

~the dull sunday~

morning everyone..
hehe..dgr tajuk je da buhsan..
arini ahad yg penat n suram..
salunyer klo ahad2 ceni aku kua g jln2..
tp tu kt uma aje..
klo kt perlis..oh..no..!!
kne basuh baju..
kms bilik..
kms loker..
wt asgmnt..
tdo la...ape lagi..

ape lg ley isi dlm blog ni ek??
aku wt simple2 tape kn??
mls maw wt cantek2..
asgmnt yg aku anta kt lectrer pon tade la cantek mne..

~i am new blogger~

my name is ezmaliza bt embok zrik..
utk arini umur aku da 20 taon da..
tah nape tbe2 aku ase cm nk wt blog neh..
padehal aku ade byk kje maw wat slaen wt blog neh..
tuto digit pon lom ciap agi..
haha...btw..aku study kt unimap in communication engineering..
degree for engineering salunye amik 4 taon utk study..
so skrg aku ade lg 2 taon..
hehe..lame agi maw kawen..hak3.. :D

so..for new blogger cm aku..
rajin2 la tunjuk ajar yer..
aku xbpe pandai sgt..
bese2 aje..
tujuan aku wt blog ni cume ade 3 mnde je..
  • juz wanna tell everyone bout myself
  • aku nk memperkembangkan bakat dlm bidang penulisan
  • n last but not least..aku saje suke2..yela..da bosan men fs n fb..bkk blog la plak..