today is saturday..the 8th day in Ramadan month..i feel thankful again and again..hmm..what can i write down here..thinking..thinking..and thinking bored is today..i want to study for my own sake as a juz a dreaming on the day..haha.. :D so,i could'nt afford myself to sit on my table to study..huhu.. :P btw..i din't waste my precious tyme going on like that..i din't sleep for along tyme okeh..hish..(bulan pose xbek tdo je kje..) but,im going to online and watching the movie from my laptop..i open up my facebook..and reply all my frens comment there..whom is here have the facebook account?? why don't u add me up in ur list frenz too..
btw,i would to comment a lil bit bout this social web like a friensdster, myspace, tagged, and many more..many questions plays around in my head bout facebook,friendster etc..but i can't tells the silly question..bcoz i know people who is very good in tecnology will laugh out at me..i know that Malay proverbs "malu bertanye,sesat jalan" but, should i tell u everything??huhu..later2 la ek..huhu..
for today, i also watched a really scary movie.."Histeria" was play by a lil cute gurl Liyana Jasmay and Scha pretty this two gurl..i know that this film was already plays in cinema last year..but i still don't have chances to watch it bcoz of i was in Perlis.. (manede cinema kt Perlis neh) but it is okeh..kalau x..abesla duit aku ari2 tgk wyg je kje..haha.. :D so, i watched it lonely through my scared me watching it lonely..where is ILI?? she went home la..she is going to celebrate Eid's Mubarak earlier than us..hahaha :P hmm,so,i watched it lonely..quite scared and i feel proud to all producer in Malaysia bcoz they still have a very good ideas to make a very good film as tough as other country.. :) well done..!!
scha is capten of the SISTERS
one more thing i want to write on here..i am very upset for my next movie which is "Prom Night"..the story is stuck suddenly..i've checked already what's going on with my movie player..but the same thing was happen to my frens, SYAFA..aduyai..cmne neh??cite tgh syok..tbe2 stuck..haha..
xpela..I went to cafe to buying some food for my meal..nyam3..i bought sotong masak kicap ngan fried vege..i just ate to broke my fasting with KAK SHIMA my housemate..i dunno where is the,that's all for today..esok2 la plak yer..